Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Selection Method and data collection

Sample Selection Method
Firstly, I have taken stratified sampling method. Stratified sampling means- Population is classified according to their characteristics. I have classified my population as strata, company, deader and businessman. Finally, I have used purposive sampling method.
Data collection period
The necessary data have been collected from 10 March to 2 July. The study covers five years period from 2001-2006 of four Banks.
Techniques of analysis
The data have been tabulated and analyzed with the help of different financial ratios, statistical tolls and computer.
Data Presentation
I have used graph, chart, table and diagram to analyze the data.
Data collection area
Data have been collected from the Four Banks of Rajshahi Metropolitan area.
Rationale of the study
The world is changing rapidly. We have to adjust with the changes. But these changes have not come in day night. Different industries are responsible for this. In this regard banking service has been changed the world from the different corner like life style of the people, business system, production system, investment system, government policy, technological improvement, etc. for this I have selected this field.

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