Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Limitation of the study

Limitation of the study
In undertaking this study, a number of problems were faced. Thus the study has several limitations. The limitations are:
a) Lack of knowledge:
As a student, in the research field, I have no past practical experience of data collection, data processing, data analyzing, integrating and presenting. So it is a limiting factor for obtain accurate information.
b) Lack of time
For the time limitation I could not gather more information to justify exact condition. The time constraints are limiting factors.
c) Small sample size:
The study is limited by the size of the sample. As the sample size is very small, geographical and regional differences could not be included.
f) Fund unavailability
I don’t have much financial support to conduct this study. I could not interview with more respondents covering the survey area.
g. Customers willingness
Most of the customer of the banks businessman and employee. So, they could not give me enough time to fill up questionnaire. Also they are not willing or afraid to provide appropriate data.

1 comment:

  1. Ya,.........100 % right.
    Lack of time & Fund unavailability.
    Many Student face the problem.
